Thursday, 13 October 2016

Travelling with Babies 1-9 Months Old

Travelling and flying with babies can be a scary concept for many parents, mainly because they worry about the baby screaming and crying for the entire journey… while you hear people whispering “shhhh” and “geeeez” in seats behind you. Embarrassing and exhausting, right? Before they can walk or talk, babies cry a fair bit, as all parents know. They cry when they are hungry, tired, need a nappy change, feel constrained or are too warm – that may happen, but there are a quite a few things that can help minimize crying and flying stress for little tiny ones.  By addressing these issues in advance and being prepared, you'll have a more relaxed baby, less prone to crying.

The importance of being RELAXED...and organised.

Firstly, and most importantly, it is really essential that the parent is relaxed. I’ve seen it a thousand times on flights, buses, trains with parents on holidays; nervous, stressed out, frustrated or overwhelmed parents usually have a screaming baby. Which sets off the cycle. It is terribly hard and frustrating for both baby and parent, but it is an energetic or vibrational thing, I promise you!

By relaxing, and being prepared, your energy is more stable and you can cope with little things better...hence baby is also more relaxed. The baby also senses your mood, they are little emotional sponges, so they will 'feel' you. Especially when held. Babies - bless them, are so sensory and sensitive to subtle energies and emotions around them. Yet, its the practical things that help parents.

So, here are a few things a parent can do:

  • Before the trip, make sure everything gets done and is organized at home, then give yourself a whole day of not doing much. Then you won't feel as stressed with last minute errands. Start preparing yourself early  - including packing, choice of stroller, etc in advance. Its a bit like event planning!

  • Pack light and easy, have baby’s food, toys, blanket and nappies in an easy access bag.

  • Dress baby light enough so he/she doesn't get hot and feel squeezed up. Keeping toes free seems to relax them.

  • Avoid dressing baby up with pretty but awkward 'going out' clothes, or synthetics. Avoid headbands for girls or caps for boys, or wooly caps for little ones - keep the head free so they don't feel stifled. A soft cotton cap for travelling is best. Simple loose fitting cotton clothes are best. And some light little socks if it gets chilly (not shoes).

  • Go for regular little walks up and down the plane with baby – they get excited seeing people and its engaging for them. Its movement and energy, which they enjoy. They’ll get a lot of waves and smiles too. :)

  • If you are a Mama who breast feeds your baby, go for it! Don't worry about who’s around, just feed away when baby niggles. I breastfed my baby on the plane, and it was so easy and convenient. Breastfeeding Mama’s wear cool, loose easy access clothes and take a light muslin wrap to cover if needed. Get a corner seat and you’ll have privacy. Breastfeeding on descent is great to help babies equalize ear pressure.

  • If bottle feeding, get the bottle warmed up in advance, so its ready to go, instead of waiting for a good cry to warn you. The stewardesses will assist. Have 2-3 small bottles ready to go, rather than one big one. Freeze one if necessary on a long haul flight. Again, bottle feed on descent for easing ear pressure.

  • Bring a little bottle for water too – this can be filled up on the plane if it runs out. They usually let you take water onboard (even where there is a 100ml liquids rule) if its for baby.

  • If they are eating, take a few snacks with you and some baby food and spoon.

  • Teething? Take teething gel, teething rusks and teething rubber toy or frozen teething ring (they will cool it in the fridge for you on the flight if needed).

  •   Have a handful of colourful toys and softly sounding distractions for baby, like things they can shake, hold and touch. A few different textures are exciting - don't pull all toys out at once. The trick is to rotate them to keep baby engaged.

  • TIP: Finger puppets are fabulous!
  • Be sure to have tissues and baby wipes on hand, tuck these into the magazine compartment in front of your seat, so you can grab them in an emergency!

  • Take a spare set of baby clothes incase of emergencies, ie: vomit, slobber, food mess, spitting out lunch. Yes, it will most likely happen at least once. If you don't have kids, I hope that has not put you off having any!

  • Grab that big space with a bassinet reserved for babies. If seated in the big bassinet area, you will have extra floor space (and leg room - a great bonus). Don't wait until check-in, because if there are more babies than bassinets, you could miss out. Call the airline early to reserve this prime space, or pre-book your seat if you can.

  • Have a light piece of fabric like a small cheap (plastic backed) table cloth, for the floor infront of your feet for baby to play. They can usually play safely when seatbelt signs are off. They enjoy the freedom of being able to lie down and move in that floor space.

  • Another piece of fabric (preferably plastic backed) is also good on the change table. It also is a reserve piece if the first gets dirty. Wash in the hotel later, its really handy - I carried one or two of these everywhere on my travels to put baby on floor. They are light, can be rolled up and weigh almost nothing.

  • Smaller babies can play in the bassinet and they like it because its eye level.

  • If you can be seated near another baby, they seem to really enjoy that, no matter how little. They usually keep each other amused - I have noticed this on many baby-filled flights.

  • If babies look like they are getting friendly, and if you are travelling alone - offer to hold the baby of the parent next door, if they need to get up and visit the bathroom... they'll be happy to do the same for you. The babies are usually too fascinated with each other to notice the parent is missing for a few minutes.

  • Take a good sturdy but light  weight stroller, one with a large storage space below, and one that can lean back when baby gets tired – instead of the lightweight summer strollers. I personally like Graco, as they are cheap (mine cost $100 and travelled to 43 cities) but best of all I was able to slide my small suitcase in the back easily.

  • Or you could cheat a BIT and buy a stroller made for twins, and use the extra space for luggage on your travels!

  • Jogger strollers tend to be really good for all types of terrain when travelling... they may be a bit pricier, but you can always buy a second hand one. The big wheels and great suspension are a godsend when you are on holidays. They are normally quite sturdy too.

  • Ask if you may take your stroller to the boarding gate and give it up at the flight gate on embarking – some airlines allow this.

  • ALWAYS ask to have your stroller delivered right to the door of the aircraft on disembarkation, as some airports are huge and require long walking times. To be able to pop baby and hand carry luggage into stroller is a welcome relief for tired parents… or sleepy babies.

  • If you must have the stroller checked in early at the check-in counter, be sure to see if you can either borrow a hire stroller at the airport, or have your baby sling carrier on. To be extra sure, contact the airport beforehand to organize yourself better.

  • A good stroller becomes your baby's transportation AND your bag carrier! Don't worry about the flimsy little strollers with no storage - pretty much every main travel area has lifts nowadays, and buses, trains, ferries, etc often have ramps or easy access.

  • TIP: When you have a stroller, always look for the wheelchair access areas and lifts, including being on the lookout for disabled toilets or 'parent rooms'  as they have room to manoeuvre and often have change tables.

  • Clever and minimal packing helps – see if you can limit your packing to two carry on pieces of lightweight luggage – eg: a small suitcase that fits snuggly into the back of your stroller, plus a lightweight backpack. This is why its worth investing in a stroller with a large storage at the back, they need not be expensive ones.

  • Two small carry bags will make life easier - a light sling-across the shoulder bag that you can wear for documents, tickets, phone and pen for easy access at the airline counter. Plus a soft, compartmentalized bag for baby's stuff that can be hung on the stroller handles. Test all this weight-wise for safety BEFORE you leave for your holiday.

  • YAY for Baby Carriers - be hands free! For babies under 6 months, a sling on frontal baby carrier is AWESOME! Just make sure to pop it on 10 minutes before landing – get your luggage together, and then pop baby in last. Staff will often help parents with hand carry when they have the baby carrier on! I enjoyed travelling and running events with one of these for the 2-6 months age. It was great! I got one that cost $30 second hand. Of course babies prefer facing outwards, to view the world. Then you can turn them to face inwards and snuggle in when sleepy. Here it is...

  • Travelling with more than one child? It's a good idea to have one travelling adult for each child, it makes life so much easier. Most couples will travel together with two or more children, but if unpartnered or you are a couple with 3-4 kids, it can be worth bringing a family member of shorter holidays – even if it means buying their ticket, it will definitely pay off! You may even score a babysitter for a few evenings. The holidays I took my Mother along on were good fun, and I got pool time every day. :)

  • Smiles and jokes with baby lift the energy all round, for you, baby and those around you!

  • Parents, the main thing is to relax and enjoy your holiday and travel adventures, and treat it like a fun and easy event with your little one. Make sure YOU are relaxed, and enjoy the holiday spirit, and enjoy that glass of wine (if you are impartial to a drink) on the flight.

Stay relaxed, be prepared and pack light dear parents... and your child will be more relaxed.

I must say, in all the years I have traveled with my daughter, she never cried once. Except when she woke up once when I had gone to the bathroom, and she let out a little yell for her missing Mama.

Relaxed parent = relaxed baby traveller. :)

I hope this is helpful. If you have any other tips, feel free to post below!

Happy travels.

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