Monday, 10 October 2016

About This Blog

'How to Travel Easily with Kids' offers tips and ideas to make life easier for parents, when they set off for a journey with their little ones - from toddlers to ten years old. Articles focus on integrative planning and simple travel skills to make the parent's journey more relaxing, and the child's experience memorable and fun.

I've been travelling worldwide with my child since she was just a teeny weeny 19 day old baby, and we continued travelling for many years - mainly due to my work commitments in various continents. But we also enjoy travelling for holidays. By the age of 6, she and I had made 24 round-the-world trips to the USA, Europe and Africa, and countless smaller trips to Asia and within Australia - boarding almost 200 flights! This gave us the opportunity to try and test many different ways of travelling; from experimenting with packing, to food, entertainment, toys, transportation and more.

Travelling on planes, coaches, trains and boats for many years with a child, has been a wonderful way to enjoy variety of places and cultures. It has also been a great way to connect with other travelling parents and learn about their own clever ways of simplifying the journey and keeping the kids happy and engaged. Kids usually enjoy travel, but tend to get bored rather quickly with the process of getting there - especially if its a long trip. So, for parents who want an easy journey, it is a necessity to have 'kid-friendly' strategies in place for all kinds of travel events.

Exploration, discovery and adventures on travel journeys are quite different for a child, compared to what is experienced by an adult - so much of what I write is from the child's perspective as well. The aim is simplicity, ease and of course, the art of being prepared for travel and kid-friendly adventures!

In this blog I will be sharing some of the best travel tips I have learnt, to hopefully make your experience easier - and more fun - when travelling with children.

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